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We saw this sign after a 15 hour drive. Unfortunately, we still had an 8 hour drive. But Christoffer, I've got to hand it to you: Sweden is awesome.
Last edited by DennisCGc (2013-01-04 03:22:41)
Haha, nice. What were you doing here, and what did you see to make you think that? Now it's just wet and cold...
We went to Sweden in August and stayed there for 2 weeks in Hagfors. We went to places like Örebro, Karlstad and Stockholm. We also went on random driving trips. And one day we decided to see Oslo, but Stockholm is way better though.
What I like about Sweden is that it's a very beautiful country surrounded with nature, and the people are, mostly, nice. Of course, during my trip to Sweden I had to brush off my Swedish and I was able to read most things. However, trying to guess what others have said to me was difficult for me (but hey, I actually understood someone when she spoke to me).
What was interesting to see is that your traffic signs are yellowish instead of white, just like the rest of Europe has. I can guess why you guys have yellow traffic signs but I was a bit surprised when I encountered one the first time.
Hehe, okey. Good to hear that you had a ncie stay. Yeah, white on signs can easily get complicated here
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