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#1 2012-05-30 23:01:32

From: Trollhättan, Sweden
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 367
PM  Website

BOS design document


I'm afraid this isn't an announcement for BOS 0.05 but rather a quick look at some text I have written down to keep my design ideas in order.  This will give you an idea on how I'd like things to work in BOS.

The text is rather lengthy so I will only include it as an attachment. You might need to be logged in to view it.

Suggestions, criticism or any other comments is welcomed. Nothing is really set in stone, but it will give you a general idea on where I'm headed with this.   Mostly just the VFS part will be finished for BOS 0.05 - any other functionality described in this document is for later versions.

Here you have it:

Attachment Icon design.txt, Size: 8,785 bytes, Downloads: 2,607



#2 2012-05-30 23:22:54

Active member
Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 132

Re: BOS design document

You got me going for a bit then, i was ready to blow the dust off all my test PC's.
Never mind, i can still have a read of your design doc smile.



#3 2012-05-31 00:27:40

From: Trollhättan, Sweden
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 367
PM  Website

Re: BOS design document

Haha!  Well hopefully it won't be long now!  It's starting to come together nicely, but as you will see in that document - there is tons of functionality I'm thinking of at the same time.  Will really have to focus on getting a version out soon even if not everything I would wish for is in it. wink

I will have to prove myself by getting something out too, so as not to be another v2os with just piles of design docs and no coding big_smile  Well, most of these design ideas has formed in my head over the years I've been inactive so hopefully I will just have to code now, and not having to change the "plan" too much as I go. smile



#4 2012-06-10 16:14:54

Registered: 2005-03-02
Posts: 28

Re: BOS design document

Very nice.  Since I've been AFK I've been doing about the same thing,  I've gotten myself an arm7 and arm9 to write code for.  Turns out to be rather simplistic, actually.




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