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#1 2012-02-07 03:55:12

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Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 132

BOS mode switching ?

Bubach why did you switch from the way you switch mode 13h and mode 3h in PM.
To going to realmode and back ?.
Was it buggy or did you get it working on all PC's ?.

Because i need to work on a DexOS ver, that does not go to realmode, because with UEFI, it could be a problem.




#2 2012-02-07 04:53:38

From: Trollhättan, Sweden
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 367
PM  Website

Re: BOS mode switching ?

Hi, no there was no problem I just changed it to test my pm2real function and because it didn't include all modes yet. I plan on extending it and change back to it for use in the next version.



#3 2012-02-07 19:59:16

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Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 132

Re: BOS mode switching ?

Cool, i will add it to DexOS, if thats OK (I will give you credit).



#4 2012-02-07 21:32:19

From: Trollhättan, Sweden
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 367
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Re: BOS mode switching ?

Yes of course, no problem. And I'll let you know when I have added more modes to it.



#5 2012-05-17 05:30:29

From: Trollhättan, Sweden
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 367
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Re: BOS mode switching ?

Hi, have you had a chance to try it out yet?  Becasue I just found a source file comment claiming that it did in fact act buggy on one of my test computers.  I can't even remember the details right now, but if it was a buggy VGA card or something wrong with my mode switching I'd need to investigate it further in order to fix it.  Maybe my VGA reg values are off and it's an easy fix.

Problem is I can't even remember which computer it didn't work correctly on, or if I still has it. So it would in fact be good if it didn't work on some of your test PC's so I have access to a computer to try code fixes on. tongue

Let me know if you tried it and if you got it working!



#6 2012-05-19 21:44:23

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Registered: 2005-02-19
Posts: 132

Re: BOS mode switching ?

Hi, did not test it yet, but i do remember there were bugs in some of the modes, but not others.
I think the common modes worked fine, so you cut it down to a limited number of modes, that worked.
I may be wrong, i will try the code on my test PC's and let you know

Last edited by Dex4u (2012-05-19 21:45:14)



#7 2012-05-20 00:35:03

From: Trollhättan, Sweden
Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 367
PM  Website

Re: BOS mode switching ?

ok great thanks. i will try and keep away from distractions on my fat12 code for now tongue  but after that i will take another look at it too.




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