NTFS Documentation: Linux Driver FAQ

This should help you to help us:)

How to compile the Linux driver as a module?

Extract the latest driver sources with
tar -xvzopf ntfs-yymmdd.tgz
, then enter the right directory with
cd ntfs
. Edit linux.mk to fit your desires (NTFS_DEVICE and MOUNT_POINT are respectively the default NTFS partition and mount point). Then just type
make linux
. Now you should have, among the NTFS tools (ntdir, ntdump, ...), the NTFS module. Copy it as root to your module directory, using something like
cp ntfs.o /lib/modules/2.x.yy/fs
and if you have kerneld, do
depmod -a
in order it to find the module next time it will be asked to load it.

How to mount a NTFS partition?

If you don't use kerneld, load the NTFS module with
insmod ntfs
. Then, type as usually
mount -t ntfs <your NTFS partition> <your mount point>

How to enable/disable the debug mode?

Verify that you have compiled your driver with DEBUG_NTFS=y in linux.mk. Then just type
echo "3" > /proc/sys/fs/ntfs-debug
to enable the logging of full debug information in your system logs, and
echo "0" > /proc/sys/fs/ntfs-debug
to disable it. Note that if you use the driver as a module, you can also set this value at load-time using the ntdebug parameter with a value of 0 to 3.

How to get the base FILE record number of a file?

Say that your volume is mounted in /nt and that the full path of the file is /nt/foo/bar/file, just type:
ntdir foo/bar --long
and look at the decimal number just at the left of file. It is always 5 for the root directory.

How to dump (the stream of the default data file attribute of) a file?

Say that the file has the base FILE record decimal number x. Simply type:
ntdump -i x
, and stop the dump with Control-C.

How to know my number of cluster per FILE record?

Just type:
ntdump -i 7
, stops the dump with Control-C, and read the byte at the offset 40.

How to dump the base FILE record of a file?

Say that the file has the base FILE record number x, and that your number of cluster per FILE record is y. Compute the decimal product z=x*y, then type:
ntdump -i 0 -c z
, and stop the dump with Control-C.

How to decode the base FILE record of a file?

Say that file has the base FILE record decimal number x. Simply type:
ntdump -i x --mft

Regis Duchesne at VIA, ECP, France
Last modified: Wed Jan 27 00:02:20 PST 1999