Table of contents:
0. About this document
I wrote this doc because i saw many people are asking many questions on FASM board because not understanding idea or some particular feature of preprocessor. (I dont discourage you to ask anything on forum, not understanding something is not shame and if your question isn't too hard someone will surely reply it).

Please if you can't understand something from tutorial tell me about it on my tutorial's thread on FASM board or with email if you like.

1. What is preprocessor
Preprocessor is program (or usualy part of compiler), which modifies your source code before it is compiled. For example, if you use some piece of code very often, you can give it some name, and tell preprocessor to replace name with the piece of code each time.

Another example is, when you want to simulate some instruction which doesn't exist, you can replace it with set of instructions with same effect automatically using preprocessor.

Preprocessor scans source and replaces some things with other. But how you tell it what should it preprocess? For this "preprocessor directives" are used. We will discuss them now.

Preprocessor doesn't know anything about instructions, compiler directives etc., it has it's own set of directives and just ignores parts of source not meant for it.

2. Basic
First I describe basic preprocesing, which is done on file before any other preprocessing.

2.1. Comment ;
Like in most assemblers, comments in FASM start with semicolon (;). Everything up to end of line is ignored and removed from the source.

For example source
;fill 100h bytes at EDI with zeros
xor eax,eax ;zero value in eax
mov ecx,100h/4
rep stosd
will after preprocessing become
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,100h/4
rep stosd

NOTE: ; can be also comprehended as preprocessor operator which deletes text behind it up to end of line.

NOTE: line that contains only comment won't be deleted, like in my example. It will become empty line. I skipped empty line because of text structure. This will be important in next chapter.

2.2. Line Break \
If line seems to be too long for you, you can "break" it with \ symbol (or preprocessor operator). If line ends with \ symbol then next line will be appended to current line.

db 1,2,3,\
will be preprocessed to
db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Of course \ inside strings or inside comments doesn't concatenate lines, inside string it is taken as string character (like everything except ending quote) and comments are deleted up to the end of line without inspecting what's inside them.

There can't be anything behind \ in line, except for blank space and comment.

In previous chapter i mentioned that line which contains only comment won't be deleted, it will just become empty line. That means, that code like this:
db 1,2,3,\
;   4,5,6,\   - commented
will after preprocessing become
db 1,2,3
and so it will cause error. To solve situation like this, you must put line break before comment:
db 1,2,3,\
\;   4,5,6     - validly commented
which will become
db 1,2,3,7,8,9
like we wanted.

2.3. Directive include
It's syntax:
include <quoted string - file name>
It will insert text file into sources. It allows you to break source into more files. Of course inserted text will be preprocessed too. File path and name should be quoted (enclosed in ',' or ",").

include 'file.asm'
include 'HEADERS\data.inc'
include '..\lib\strings.asm'
include 'C:\config.sys'

You can also access environment variables enclosed in %,%:
include '%FASMINC%\win32a.inc'
include '%SYSTEMROOT%\somefile.inc'
include '%myproject%\headers\something.inc'
include 'C:\%myprojectdir%\headers\something.inc'

TODO: 1.52 paths system (someone could describe it for me...)

2.4. Strings preprocessing
You may have problem to include ' in string declared using 's or " in string declared using "s. For this reason you must place the character twice into string, in that case it won't end string and begin next as you may think, but it will include character into string literaly.

For example:
db 'It''s okay'
will generate binary containing string It's okay.

It's same for ".

3. Equates

3.1. Directive "equ"
Simplest preprocessor command. It's syntax
<name1> equ <name2>
This command tells preprocessor to replace every following <name1> with <name2>.

Example: source
count equ 10  ;this is preprocessor command
mov ecx,count
. is preprocessed to
mov ecx,10

mov eax,count
count equ 10
mov ecx,count
is preprocessed to
mov eax,count
mov ecx,10
because preprocessor only replaces count behind equ directive.

Even this works:
10 equ 11
mov ecx,10
preprocessed to
mov ecx,11
also note that name1 can be any symbol. Symbol is just set of chars, terminated by blank character (space, tab, end of line) or comment (;) or line-break (\) or operator (including assembly time operators, not only preprocessor's operators). It can't be operator or special symbol (like , or } etc.)

name2 can be anything, not only one symbol, everything up to end of line is taken. It can be even empty, then <name1> is replaced by blank space.

10 equ 11,12,13
db 10
db 11,12,13

3.2. Directive restore
You can also tell preprocessor to stop replacing particular equate. This is done with restore operator:
restore <name>
Where <name> is some equation. Behind this command <name> will no longer be replaced as specified by equ

mov eax,count
count equ 10
mov eax,count
restore count
mov eax,count
will become
mov eax,count
mov eax,10
mov eax,count
Note that replacements are "stacked" that means if you define two equates for one symbol, and then restore it (once), the first one will be used.

mov eax,count
count equ 1
mov eax,count
count equ 2
mov eax,count
count equ 3
mov eax,count
restore count
mov eax,count
restore count
mov eax,count
restore count
mov eax,count
mov eax,count
mov eax,1
mov eax,2
mov eax,3
mov eax,2
mov eax,1
mov eax,count

If you try to restore non-existing equation nothing will happen.

mov eax,count
restore count
mov eax,count
mov eax,count
mov eax,count

4. Simple macros without arguments

4.1. Simple macro definition
You can create your own instruction / directive using "macro".
macro <name>
After preprocessor finds macro directive, it defines macro, which means each following occurence of line starting with <name> will be replaced by <body>. <name> can be one symbol, <body> can be anything except } which denotes end of macro body.

macro a
  push eax
xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax
push eax

macro a
  push eax
macro b
  push ebx
push ebx
push eax

Of course, macro doesn't have to be indented like in my example, you can use this too:
macro push5 {push dword 5}
push dword 5

macro push5 {push dword 5
to same result. You are free about indenting macros.

4.2. Nested macros
You can nest macros. That means, if you redefine macro, then the last one is used. But if you use original macro in last one, it will work. Look at example:
macro a {mov ax,5}
macro a
  mov bx,5
macro a
  mov cx,5
mov ax,5
mov bx,5
mov cx,5

Or this example:
macro a {1}

macro a {

macro a {




4.3. Directive purge (macro undefinition)
You can also undefine macro, like you undefined equate. This is done by purge directive followed by macro name:
macro a {1}
macro a {2}
purge a
purge a
If you try to purge non-existing macro nothing will happen.

4.4. Macros behaviour
Macro name will be replaced by macro body not only if line is starting with macro, but everywhere where instruction mnemonics (like add, mov) is accepted. It is because main purpose of macro is to simulate instructions. Only exception is instruction prefix, macro is not accepted after instruction prefix.

macro CheckErr
  cmp eax,-1
  jz error
call Something
a: CheckErr    ;here macro name is preceded by label definition, but it
	       ;will be replaced
call Something
cmp eax,-1
jz error

macro stos0
  mov al,0
stos0	    ;this is place for instruction, will be rplaced
here: stos0 ;this is place for instruciton too
db stos0    ;this in not place for instruction and so won't be replaced
mov al,0
mov al,0
db stos0

You can also "overload" instruction with macro, because preprocessor doesnt' know about instructions, it allows macro name to be instruction mnemonics.
macro pusha
  push eax ebx ecx edx ebp esi edi
macro popa
  pop edi esi ebp edx ecx ebx eax
these 2 save 4 bytes for every pusha because they don't push ESP. But overloading istruction isn't very good, because someone reading your code may get fooled if he don't knows instruction is overloaded.

You can also overload assembly-time directive:
macro use32
  align 4
macro use16
  align 2

5. Macros with fixed number of arguments

5.1. Macro with one argument
You can also define macro argument. This argument is represented by some symbol, which will be replaced in macro body by passed argument.
macro <name> <argument> { <body> }

macro add5 where
  add where,5
add5 ax
add5 [variable]
add5 ds
add5 ds+2
add ax,5
add [variable],5
add ds,5 ;there is no such instruction, but its not task of preprocessor
	 ;to check it. It will be preprocessed to this form, and will
	 ;throw error at assembling stage.
add ds+2,5 ;like previous, but this is also syntactically wrong, so it'll
	   ;throw error at parsing stage.
(of course there won't be those comments in preprocessed file :)

5.2. Macros with more arguments
Macros can have more arguments, separated with comma (,):
macro movv where,what
  push what
  pop  where
movv ax,bx
movv ds,es
movv [var1],[var2]
preprocessed to
push bx
pop ax
push es
pop ds
push [var2]
pop [var1]
If more arguments have same name, first one is used :).

If you specify less arguments than you listed in macro declaration, then value of not-specified arguments is blank:
macro pupush a1,a2,a3,a4
  push a1 a2 a3 a4
  pop a4 a3 a2 a1
pupush eax,dword [3]
push eax dword [3]
pop dword [3] eax

If you want to include comma (,) in macro argument, you must enclose argument in brackets <,>.
macro safe_declare name,what
  if used name
    name what
  end if
safe_declare var1, db 5
safe_declare array5, <dd 1,2,3,4,5>
safe_declare string, <db "hi, i'm stupid string",0>
if used var1
  var1 db 5
end if
if used array5
  array5 dd 1,2,3,4,5
end if
if used string
  string db "hi, i'm stupid string",0
end if

You can use < and > in macro body too, of course:
macro a arg {db arg}
macro b arg1,arg2 {a <arg1,arg2,3>}
b <1,1>,2
is preprocessed to
db 1,1,2,3

5.3. Directive "local"
You may want to declare some label inside macro body:
macro pushstr string
  call behind ;pushes address of string and jumps to behind
  db string,0
but if you use this macro twice, label "behind" will be defined twice and that will be error. You can solve this by making label "behind" local to macro. For that preprocessor directive "local" is used.
local <name>

It must be inside macro body. It makes all following occurences of <name> inside macro body local to macro. Thus, if macro is used twice
macro pushstr string
  local behind
  call behind
  db string,0
pushstr 'aaaaa'
pushstr 'bbbbbbbb'
call something
this won't cause any problems. This is done by replacing behind with behind?XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is some hexadecimal number generated by preprocessor. Last example can be for example preprocessed to
call behind?00000001
db 'aaaaa',0
call behind?00000002
db 'bbbbbbbb',0
call something

Note that you can't directly access names containing ?, as it is special symbol for fasm, for this reason it is used with local names. For example aa?bb is considered as symbol aa, special symbol ? and symbol bb.

If you want more local labels you dont have to use two locals, you can list them all in one local directive, separated by commas (,):
macro pushstr string  ;does same job as previous macro
  local addr,behind
  push addr
  jmp behind
  addr db string,0

It is always good to start all macro local label names with two dots (..) which means they wont change current global label. For example:
macro pushstr string
  local behind
  call behind
  db string,0
  pushstr 'aaaa'
will be preprocessed to
call behind?00000001
db 'aaaa',0
and so it will create behind?00000001.a label instead of MyProc.a. But names that start with two dots (..) do not change current global label, so in following case MyProc.a would be declared:
macro pushstr string
  local ..behind
  call ..behind
  db string,0
  pushstr 'aaaa'

5.4. Operator # (symbol concatenation)
Other fasm's macrolanguage feature is manipulation with symbols. This is done with symbol concatenation operator #, which concatenates two symbols into one, for example a#b will become ab, or aaa bbb#ccc ddd -> aaa bbbccc ddd. This operator can be used only inside macro body, and concatenating symbol will be done after replacing macro arguments, so you can use this to create some symbol from macro argument.

macro string name, data
  local ..start
  name db data,0
  sizeof.#name =  $ - ..start
string s1,'macros are stupid'
string s2,<'here i am',13,10,'rock you like a hurricane'>
s1 db 'macros are stupid',0
sizeof.s1 = $ - ..start?00000001
s2 db 'here i am',13,10,'rock you like a hurricane',0
sizeof.s2 = $ - ..start?00000002
so for all strings defined by macro, symbol "sizeof.<name of string> gets defined.

This operator can also concatenate quoted strings:
macro name name
  db 'name: '#b,0
debug '1'
debug 'barfoo'
db 'name: 1',0
db 'name: barfoo',0
this is usefull when passing argument from macro to macro:
macro pushstring string
  local ..behind
  call ..behind
  db string,0
macro debug string
  push MB_OK
  push 0 ;empty caption
  pushstring 'debug: '#string  ;"pushstring" takes one argument
  push 0 ;no partent window
  call [MessageBox]

Note that you can't use # in arguments of local, because local is processed before #. For that reason, code like this won't work:
macro a arg
  local name_#arg
a foo

5.5. Operator `
There is also operator ` which transfers symbol following it to quoted string. This operator can be used only inside macro.

macro proc name
  log `name	  ;log can be some macro which takes string as argument
proc DummyProc
log 'DummyProc'

Or one little more complicated example using #:
macro proc name
  log 'entering procedure: '#`name
proc DummyProc
proc Proc2
log 'entering procedure: DummyProc'
log 'entering procedure: Proc2'

6. Macros with group argument

6.1. Declaring macro with group argument
Macros can have so-called "group argument". It allows you non-fixed number of arguments. Group argument is enclosed in brackets [,] in macro definition:
macro name arg1,arg2,[grouparg]

Group argument must be last argument in macro defintion. Group argument can contain multiple arguments, like:
macro name arg1,arg2,[grouparg] {}
name 1,2,3,4,5,6
here value of group argument (grouparg) are values 3,4,5 and 6. 1 and 2 are values of arg1 and arg2.

6.2. Directive common
To work with group arguments, you use some preprocessor directives. These directives can be used only in body of macro with group argument. First such directive is common. It means that behind this directive group argument name in macro body will be replaced by all arguments:
macro string [grp]
    db grp,0
string 'aaaaaa'
string 'line1',13,10,'line2'
string 1,2,3,4,5
db 'aaaaaa',0
db 'line1',13,10,'line2',0
db 1,2,3,4,5,0

6.3. Directive forward
But you can work with arguments in group argument separately. For this forward preprocessor directive is used. Part of macro body behind forward directive is preprocessed for each argument in group argument:
macro a arg1,[grparg]
  db arg1
  db grparg
a 1,'a','b','c'
a -1,10,20
db 1
db 'a'
db 1
db 'b'
db 1
db 'c'
db -1
db 10
db -1
db 20

forward is default for macros with group arguments, so previous macro can as well be
macro a arg1,[grparg]
  db arg1
  db grparg

6.4. Directive reverse
reverse is same as forward, but processess arguments in group argument from last to first:
macro a arg1,[grparg]
  db arg1
  db grparg
a 1,'a','b','c'
db 1
db 'c'
db 1
db 'b'
db 1
db 'a'

6.5. Combining group control directives
These 3 directives divide macro to blocks. Each block is processed after previous one. For example:
macro a [grparg]
    f_#grparg:	       ;symbol concatenation operator #, see chapter 4.4
    db grparg
a 1,2,3,4
db 1,2,3,4

6.6. Behavior of directive local inside macro with group argument
There is one more very nice feature with labels local to macro (listed with local preprocessor directive, see chapter 4.3). If local directive is defined inside forward or reverse block, then unique label is defined for each argument in group, and same labels are used for theirs arguments in following forward or reverse blocks. Example:
macro string_table [string]
  forward		  ;table of pointers to strings
    local addr		    ;declare label for this string as local
    dd addr		    ;pointer to string
  forward		  ;strings
    addr db string,0
string_table 'aaaaa','bbbbbb','5'
dd addr?00000001
dd addr?00000002
dd addr?00000003
addr?00000001 db 'aaaaa',0
addr?00000002 db 'bbbbbb',0
addr?00000003 db '5',0

Another example, with reverse block:
macro a [x]
  local here
  here db x
  dd here
a 1,2,3
here?00000001 db 1
here?00000002 db 2
here?00000003 db 3
dd here?00000003
dd here?00000002
dd here?00000001
so labels will be used with same arguments in both forward and reverse blocks.

6.7. Macro with multiple group arguments
You can also have more multiple arguments. In that case macro definition wont look like
macro a [grp1],[grp2]
because then it would be unclear which arguments belong to which group. For that reason you declare them like:
macro a [grp1,grp2]
here every odd argument belongs to grp1, every even to grp2.

macro a [grp1,grp2]
a 1,2,3,4,5,6

Another example:
macro ErrorList [name,value]
    ERROR_#name = value
ErrorList \

Of course there can be more than 2 group arguments:
macro a [g1,g2,g3]
    db g1
    db g2
    db g3
a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
db 1,4,7,10
db 2,5,8,11
db 3,6,9

7. Preprocessor conditionals
In fact, there is no preprocessor conditional syntax in FASM (too bad). But assembly directive if can be used in conjuction with preprocessor to acheive same results as with preprocessor conditionals (but this way it wastes more time and memory).

As you know, if is assembly-time statement. That means statement is checked after preprocessing, and that allows some special conditional operators to work.

I won't describe it's assembly-time behavior (conditional operators like &, | etc), read FASM's docs for this. I will describe only operators that are used with preprocessor here.

7.1. Operator eq
Simplest is eq. It just compares two symbols if they are same. Value of abcd eq abcd is true, value of abcd eq 1 is false etc. It is useful to compare symbol that will be preprocessed, like:
  db 'Oh yeah',0
  du 'Oh yeah',0
  display 'unknown string type'
end if
after preprocessing it will be
  db 'Oh yeah',0
else if ASCII eq UNICODE
  du 'Oh yeah',0
  display 'unknown string type'
end if
so first condition (ASCII eq ASCII) is true, so only db 'Oh yeah',0 will get assembled.

Other case:
STRINGS equ UNICODE	  ;only difference here, UNICODE instead of ASCII
  db 'Oh yeah',0
  du 'Oh yeah',0
  display 'unknown string type'
end if
after preprocessing it will be
  db 'Oh yeah',0
  du 'Oh yeah',0
  display 'unknown string type'
end if
now first condition (UNICODE eq ASCII) will be false, second one (UNICODE eq UNICODE) will be true and so du 'Oh yeah',0 will get assembled.

Better usage of this is checking macro arguments, like
macro item type,value
  if type eq BYTE
    db value
  else if type eq WORD
    dw value
  else if type eq DWORD
    dd value
  else if type eq STRING
    db value,0
  end if
item BYTE,1
item STRING,'aaaaaa'
  db 1
else if BYTE eq WORD
  dw 1
else if BYTE eq DWORD
  dd 1
else if BYTE eq STRING
  db 1,0
end if
  db 'aaaaaa'
else if STRING eq WORD
  dw 'aaaaaa'
else if STRING eq DWORD
  dd 'aaaaaa'
else if STRING eq STRING
  db 'aaaaaa',0
end if
so only these two commands will get assembled:
db 1
db 'aaaaaa',0

eq (like all other preprocessor operators) can also work with blank arguments. That means, for example, that if eq is true, and if 5 eq is false etc. Example macro:
macro mov dest,src,src2
  if src2 eq
    mov dest,src
    mov dest,src
    mov src,src2
  end if

7.2. Operator eqtype
Other operator is eqtype. It compares whether symbols are of same type. Types are:
  • individual quoted strings (those not being a part of numerical expression)
  • floating point numbers
  • any numerical expression (note that any unknown word will be treated as label, so it also will be seen as such expression),
  • addresses - the numerical expressions in square brackets (with size operators and segment prefixes)
  • instruction mnemonics
  • registers
  • size operators
  • near/far operators,
  • use16/use32 operators
  • blank space

    Example of macro which allows SHL instruction with memory variable as count, like shl ax,[myvar]
    macro shl dest,count
      if count eqtype [0]	;if count is memory variable
        push cx
        mov cl,count
        shl dest,cl
        pop cx
      else			;if count is of another type
        shl dest,count	;just use original shl
      end if
    shl ax,5
    byte_variable db 5
    shl ax,[byte_variable]
    if 5 eqtype [0]
      push cx
      mov cl,5
      shl ax,cl
      pop cx
      shl ax,5
    end if
    byte_variable db 5
    if [byte_variable] eqtype [0]
      push cx
      mov cl,[byte_variable]
      shl ax,cl
      pop cx
      shl ax,[byte_variable]
    end if
    and so, due to conditions, it will be assembled to
    shl ax,5
    byte_variable db 5
    push cx
    mov cl,[byte variable]
    shl ax,cl
    pop cx
    Note that shl ax,byte [variable] wouldn't work with this macro, because condition byte [variable] eqtype [0] isn't true, read further.

    eqtype operands doesn't work only with two operands. It just compares whether types of operands on left side and same to type of operands on right side of eqtype. For example if eax 4 eqtype ebx name is true (name is label and thus it is number too).

    Example of extending mov intruction so it allows moving between memory variables:
    macro mov dest,src
      if dest src eqtype [0] [0]
        push src
        pop dest
        mov dest,src
      end if
    mov [var1],5
    mov [var1],[var2]
    will be preprocessed to
    if [var1] 5 eqtype [0] [0]  ;false
      push 5
      pop [var1]
      mov [var1],5
    end if
    if [var1] [var2] eqtype [0] [0]  ;true
      push [var2]
      pop [var1]
      mov [var1],[var2]
    end if
    and assembled to
    mov [var1],5
    push [var2]
    pop [var1]
    Anyway, better (more readable) way to write such macro is to use & operator (not described in this document, see FASM documentation), like:
    macro mov dest,src
      if (dest eqtype [0]) & (src eqtype [0])
        push src
        pop dest
        mov dest,src
      end if
    above example using eqtype with four arguments was meant only to demonstrate possibilities, & should be used if possible.

    Note that currently you can use incomplete expressions as argument of eqtype, it is sufficent if parser recognizes it's type, but this is undocumented behavior so i won't describe it anymore.

    7.3. Operator "in"
    FASM also includes another operator. It can be used if you use more eqs:
    macro mov a,b
      if (a eq cs) | (a eq ds) | (a eq es) | (a eq fs) |\
         (a eq gs) | (a eq ss)
        push b
        pop a
        mov a,b
      end if
    Instead of many |ed eqs, you can use in operator. It compares symbol on the left side with more symbols in list on the right side. Symbol list must be enclosed in brackets ("<" and ">"), symbols inside list should be separated with comma (,).
    macro mov a,b
      if a in <cs,ds,es,fs,gs,ss>
        push b
        pop a
        mov a,b
      end if

    in also works with more symbols on both sides (like eq):
    if dword [eax] in <[eax], dword [eax], ptr eax, dword ptr eax>

    8. Structures
    Structures are almost same as macros. You declare them with struc directive:
    struc <name> <arguments> { <body> }

    Difference is that when you use structure in code, it must be preceded by some label (structure name). For example
    struc a {db 5}
    doesn't work. Structure is only recognized when preceded by name, like:
    struc a {db 5}
    name a
    will, like macro, get preprocessed to
    db 5

    Reason of name is, that name (the one before structure) will be appended before every symbol inside structure body starting with .. For example:
    struc a {.local:}
    name1 a
    name2 a
    will be

    This way you can define something like structures you know from other languages. Example:
    struc rect left,right,top,bottom  ;has arguments, like macros
      .left dd left
      .right dd right
      .top dd top
      .bottom dd bottom
    r1 rect 0,20,10,30
    r2 rect ?,?,?,?
    r1.left dd 0
    r1.right dd 20
    r1.top dd 10
    r1.bottom dd 30
    r2.left dd ?
    r2.right dd ?
    r2.top dd ?
    r2.bottom dd ?

    You can also use nice trick with which you don't have to specify arguments (and 0 will be used instead):
    struc ymmud arg
      .member dd arg+0
    y1 ymmud 0xACDC
    y2 ymmud
    y1.member dd 0xACDC+0
    y2.member dd +0
    as described in 4.2, if argument is not specified it's value is blank inside macro/structure body. We also used that + is both binary (with two operands) and unary (with one operand) operator.

    NOTE: Often there is defined macro or structure called struct (not struc), which declares structure or extends structure declaration. Don't mistake struct with struc.

    9. Fixes
    By the time FASM was evolving, it still missed one very useful feature - ability to declare macro inside macro, eg. to result of unrolling macro will became macro definition. Something like hypothetical
    macro declare_macro_AAA
      macro AAA
         db 'AAA',0
      } ;end of "AAA" declaration
    } ;end of "declare_macro_AAA" declaration

    Problem here is that when macro declare_macro_AAA is read by preprocessor, first found } is taken as it's end, not the one we wanted. It is similar with other preprocessor symbols / operators (for example, #, `, forward, local, etc.), they were processed in expanding outer macro, so they couldn't be used in inner macro declaration.

    9.1. Explaination of fixes
    By the time, another preprocessor directive was added. It does same job like equ, but BEFORE other preprocessing (except things listed in chapter 2, these are done in some pre-preprocessing stage, but this internal stuff, not very much of interest). This directive is fix.

    It has same syntax like equ (<symbol> fix <anything>), but replacing fixed symbols in line is done before any other preprocessing (except things listed in chapter 2, again). Preprocessing is done line by line, left to right, so if we have code
    a equ 1
    b equ a
    a b
    Then preprocesisng happens like this:

    Preprocessing line 1:
    a - Preprocessor finds unknown word, skips it.
    equ - "equ" is second word of line, so it remembers "a" equals rest of line ("b") and deletes line
    Preprocessing line 2:
    b - Preprocessor finds unknown word, skips it.
    equ - "equ" is second word of line, so it remembers "b" equals rest of line ("a") and deletes line
    Preprocessing line 3:
    a - Preprocessor replaces "a" with "1"
    b - Preprocessor replaces "b" with "a"

    So it becomes:
    1 a

    But if we have
    a fix 1
    b fix a
    a b
    then it looks like:

    Fixing line 1: No symbols to be fixed
    Preprocessing line 1:
    a - Preprocessor finds unknown word, skips it.
    fix - "fix" is second word of line, so it remembers "a" is fixed to rest of line ("b") and deletes line
    Fixing line 2: "a" is fixed to "1", so line becomes "b fix 1"
    Preprocessing line 2:
    b - Preprocessor finds unknown word, skips it.
    fix - "fix" is second word of line, so it remembers "b" is fixed to rest of line ("1") and deletes line
    Fixing line 3: "a" is fixed to "1", "b" is fixed to "1" so line becomes "1 1"
    Preprocessing line 3:
    1 - Preprocessor finds unknown word, skips it.
    1 - Preprocessor finds unknown word, skips it.

    This was only example to see how fixing works, usually it isn't used in this manner.

    9.2. Using fixes for nested macro declaration
    Now back to declaring macro inside macro - First, we need to know how are macros preprocessed. You can quite easily make it out yourself - on macro declaration macro body is saved, and when macro is being expanded preprocessor replaces line with macro usage by macro body and internally declares equates to handle arguments and continues with preprocessing of macro body. (of course it is more complicated but this is enough for understanding fixes).

    So where was problem with declaring macro inside macro? First time compiler found "}" inside macro body it took it as end of macro body declaration, so there wasn't any way to include "}" in macro body. So we can easily fix :) this
    macro a
      macro b
         display 'Never fix before something really needs to be fixed'
    %_ fix {
    _% fix }
    Now preprocessing looks like (simplified)
    1. Preprocessor loads declaration of macro "a"
    2. Preprocessor loads declaration of fixes "%_" and "_%"
    3. Preprocessor expands macro "a"
    4. Preprocessor loads macro "b" declaration ("_%" and "%_" are fixed in each line before being handled by rest of preprocessor)
    5. Preprocessor expands macro "b"

    Here you see how important is placing of declaration of fixes, because macro body is fixed too before it's loaded by preprocessor. For example this won't work:
    %_ fix {
    _% fix }
    macro a
      macro b
         display 'Never fix before something really needs to be fixed, here you see it'
    Because "%_" and "_%" will be fixed before loading macro "a", so loading macro body will end at "_%" fixed to "}" and second "}" will remain there.

    NOTE: Character "%" isn't special character for FASM's preprocessor, so you use it just like any normal character, like "a" or "9". It has special meaning AFTER preprocessing, and only when it is only char in whole word ("%" not "anything%anything").

    We also need to fix other macro-releated operators:
    %_ fix {
    _% fix }
    %local fix local
    %forward fix forward
    %reverse fix revese
    %common fix common
    %tostring fix `
    Only # is special case, you can fix it, but there is a easier way. Every time preprocessor finds multiple #s, it removes one, so it is something like (this won't really work)
    ###### fix #####
    #####  fix ####
    ####   fix ###
    ###    fix ##
    ##     fix #
    So instead of using symbol fixed to "#" you can just use "##" etc.

    9.3. Using fixes for moving parts of codes
    You can also use fixes to move parts of code. In assembly programming is this useful especially when you break code into modules, but you want to have data and code grouped in separate segment/section, but defined in one file.

    Right now this part of tutorial is TODO, I hope I will write it soon, for now you can look at JohnFound's Fresh's macro library, file INCLUDE\MACRO\globals.inc.

    I know fixes are confusing, and you have to learn inner working of preprocessor, but they give you much coding power. Privalov wanted FASM to be as much powerful as possible, even at price of comprehensibility.

    Don't forget to read FASM documentation. Almost everything from this tutorial is there, maybe writen in way little harder for learning but better as reference. It is not so long, nor hard to remember - 99% of FASM users was learning it from these docs and from forum.